About Us:

Street & Ellis is a group of attorneys who have been lawyers for decades (and our staff have worked for our firm for a long time). Our firm treats clients as we would want to be treated, not as accounts. We have concentrated our services in all of the various needs of families and especially aging seniors. For example, we have helped thousands of clients with Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Advanced Health Care Directives, Medicaid applications, probate of small and large estates, and all manner of elder law issues, estate planning, tax and financial planning, and long-term care planning in an effort to protect what you have saved and to ensure your money is there to provide for your needs and inheritance to your chosen heirs. We make house calls and help clients and their families understand the pros and cons of various housing arrangements, whether staying at home, or an assisted living or nursing home facility, to include Medicaid planning and trust planning. Often our clients become friends and we stay involved for as long as the family wishes.

Why do we do this? Because we care! We have experienced all of the turmoil these issues bring within our own families and want to help others care for their families, especially aging seniors and their specific needs. We are parents and grandparents and are committed to helping families make the laws work for them, not the government.

The members of the firm have been actively involved in their communities with service to our state, localities and our country; whether in the military, as scout leaders, coaching little league, on boards of various local and national charities, and court sponsored committees, to name just a few. We strive to find solutions and provide excellent service.